About Dr. Kaufman—New Jersey Hemorrhoid Specialist

Dr. KaufmanJarrod P. Kaufman, MD is a Board Certified General and Advanced Laparoscopic Surgeon in private practice in Central New Jersey. In addition to practicing medicine, Dr. Kaufman serves as the American College of Surgeons (ACoS) New Jersey State Chair for the Commission on Cancer. He also serves as the Chair of the Melanoma Workgroup of the NJ Governor’s Task Force on Cancer Prevention, Early Detection and Treatment.

His primary focus is minimally invasive surgery, surgical oncology and minimally invasive Hemorrhoid and vein procedures. Related to the former areas of focus he performs complex advanced laparoscopic procedures. Dr. Kaufman has been instrumental in introducing a wide range of minimally invasive and advanced procedures to the hospitals in which he has practiced. He continues to advance surgical techniques and the use of new technologies and novel approaches to current problems in the fields of General and Minimally Invasive Surgery.

He derives great satisfaction when patients undergoing these minimally invasive procedures, have such a dramatic improvement in their postoperative recovery, as compared to traditional open surgical techniques.

Dr. Kaufman is grateful to be able to offer patients an effective and minimally invasive surgical option which dramatically and positively changes their postoperative recovery.

Dr. Kaufman is one of the few surgeons in the state to offer a minimally invasive and painless non-surgical hemorrhoid treatment with the CRH O’Regan banding system, A proven procedure that is available for most hemorrhoid types.

He has published numerous articles and he serves as a member of the editorial boards of peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Kaufman also presently serves as an active member on the SAGES (Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons) Technology committee.

Dr. Kaufman feels that it is crucial to be part of the bigger picture of medicine in the communities in which you practice and therefore has both previously and currently served on numerous hospital committees.

He has most recently been the cancer liaison physician at both Community (CMC) and Kimball (KMC) Hospitals where he received the outstanding achievement award from the ACoS for his service in 2008. He was the youngest member ever to be named to the Foundation Board of Directors at KMC. He also served on the Foundation Board at CMC Medical Center.

He also is a longstanding member on the Jersey Shore Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society. Dr. Kaufman also serves on the Board of Trustees of the American Society of General Surgeons (ASGS).

Dr. Kaufman is one of the founding members of the Sentinel Lymph Node Workgroup Board of Trustees and Executive Committee and he actively participates in the workgroup functions, research and fundraising.

Schedule your consultation today

Fast & Effective

The procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is painless and typically no pain medication is required after the procedure.

Covered by Insurance

The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

This non-surgical procedure has been performed over 1,000,000 times on patients across the country.

Call Us Today (732) 884-6005

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Patient Testimonial

I was very pleased with the new procedure for hemorrhoid removal. Having a comfy bum makes all the difference in the world.